Monday, September 26, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Economic survey by Credit Suisse in cooperation with the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
The Credit Suisse ZEW Indicator of economic expectations recorded the most pronounced decline in July since September 2009. The indicator plummeted by 34.6 points to reach the -58.9 point mark – the lowest level in two-and-a-half years. Merely a tiny minority of 2.9% of the financial market experts surveyed anticipate that economic momentum will improve in the coming six months. In contrast, a clear majority of 61.8% of respondents (+29.4 percentage points) now foresee a deterioration of the economic situation. A share of 35.3% (-24.2 percentage points) of the analysts expect the economy to exhibit a stable trend at the present levels.
The diminishing economic expectations already seen in recent months have been tempered, up to now, by a very upbeat assessment of the current economic situation. In July, however, the prevailing evaluation has deteriorated as well. The relevant balance has declined by 17.4 points, and only around half (52.9%) of the survey participants still view the economic picture in a “good” light. A proportion of 47.1% (+17.4 percentage points) of the experts regard the economic environment as “normal,” while none of the respondents believes that the economy is in a “bad” state of health at the present time.
The inflation outlook diminished more noticeably in July than in the previous months. The share of analysts who predict that inflation rates will climb on a six-month horizon amounts to just 23.5% (compared with 40.5% in June). On the other hand, 23.5% of the participants (+10.0 percentage points) forecast that inflation will retreat in the next half-year. Slightly more than half of the respondents (53.0%) assume that the inflation rate will continue to hover at the current low levels.

1 comment:

  1. This is utterly surprising; why aren't we paying more attention to this thing?
