Monday, December 26, 2011

Hypo Ventures Capital Headlines: Facebook brings ‘Recent Stories’ option back to news feed - The-looser-it-s-me

Hypo Ventures Capital Headlines: Facebook brings ‘Recent Stories’ option back to news feed - The-looser-it-s-me
NEW YORK — The world’s financial markets are on the brink, and 2012 could result in the global economy turning a corner — or crumbling, experts said on Saturday.

During a panel discussion at The Economist’s World in 2012festival, former U.S. Treasury secretary Robert Rubin, Morgan Stanley CFO Ruth Porat and Brookings Institute fellow Eswar Prasad agreed that 2012 would be the year that defines the path that the U.S., European Union and emerging economies for the next decade.

What they disagreed on was the likelihood of each option.

First, the United States. Rubin said he believes that there is “a material likelihood” of major government action on fiscal matters in the short period of time after the U.S. presidential election.

“If major action does occur, it is more than likely that it will be reasonably constructive in terms of mainstream agenda,” he said. “Though it is certainly possible it could be otherwise.”

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Political Islam poised to dominate the new world bequeathed by Arab spring

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood believes women have a role in politics but wants the state to be influenced by sharia law.? Photograph: SIPA/Rex Features
Among the potent symbols of the Arab spring is one that has been less photographed and remarked on than the vast gatherings in Tahrir Square. It has been the relocation of the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood, the once banned party, now set to take the largest share of seats in Egypt’s new parliament.
Before May this year they were to be found in shabby rooms in an unremarkable apartment block on Cairo’s Gezira Island, situated behind an unmarked door. These days the Brotherhood is to be found in gleaming new accommodation in the Muqatam neighbourhood, in a dedicated building prominently bearing the movement’s logo in Arabic and English.
Welcome to the age of “political Islam”, which may prove to be one of the most lasting legacies of the Arab spring. It is not only in Egypt that an unprecedented Islamist political moment is playing out. In the recent Tunisian elections the moderate Islamist Ennahda party was the biggest winner, while Morocco has elected its first Islamist prime minister, Abdelilah Benkirane.
In Yemen and Libya, too, it seems likely that political Islam will define the shape of the new landscape.
None of which should be at all surprising. Indeed, if elections in Egypt and Tunisia had been held at any other time in the past two decades, the same result would almost certainly have ensued, reflecting both the levels of organisation of Ennahda and the Brotherhood and the countries’ cultural, economic and social dynamics.

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines:The global economy in 2012: feast, or famine?

NEW YORK — The world’s financial markets are on the brink, and 2012 could result in the global economy turning a corner — or crumbling, experts said on Saturday.
During a panel discussion at The Economist’s World in 2012festival, former U.S. Treasury secretary Robert Rubin, Morgan Stanley CFO Ruth Porat and Brookings Institute fellow Eswar Prasad agreed that 2012 would be the year that defines the path that the U.S., European Union and emerging economies for the next decade.
What they disagreed on was the likelihood of each option.
First, the United States. Rubin said he believes that there is “a material likelihood” of major government action on fiscal matters in the short period of time after the U.S. presidential election.
“If major action does occur, it is more than likely that it will be reasonably constructive in terms of mainstream agenda,” he said. “Though it is certainly possible it could be otherwise.”
The direct relationship between the success of business, citizens and politicians suggests that it’s more than likely that common ground for “fiscal rectitude” can be found, Rubin said.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: An Alpine rail adventure: Swiss bliss on the world’s slowest express   We were at the Oberalp Pass, literally the high point of the Glacier Express’s seven-and-a-half-hour journey between St Moritz and Zermatt. We were passing between a range of 6,600ft mountains before our descent towards Brig. In all directions the carriage’s giant observation windows revealed amazing vistas: to our left we gazed down lush [...]

Hypo Venture capital asker: How can I prepare for retirement?
First off, start saving right NOW and keep going at it until you retire. You should also be aware of your needs once you've retired. You might also want to consider some investment plans to provide you passive income. And lastly, do NOT touch yourretirement savings.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hypo Venture Capital: Why invest overseas? Venture Funds Hypo: Why make investments abroad Hypo

What are the advantages available to you from the entire world of offshore price savings, investment, finance and banking?
Even in this day and age of the Enlightenment with the pervasiveness of information dissemination via the Web, some men and women are nonetheless concerned about the legal and legitimate the planet of offshore finance and banking. For other reasons merely believe that onshore equivalent to a “secure haven” for money and is equivalent to an offshore “tax haven chance. ‘
Nicely, you and I know that this is simply not the scenario! Even so, even if it is now clearer to more individuals than the offshore entire world has several prospective tax benefits, there are nonetheless queries about why we really should make investments offshore and in this report, we investigate the advantages.

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Headlines: Economic survey by Credit Suisse in cooperation with the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
The Credit Suisse ZEW Indicator of economic expectations recorded the most pronounced decline in July since September 2009. The indicator plummeted by 34.6 points to reach the -58.9 point mark – the lowest level in two-and-a-half years. Merely a tiny minority of 2.9% of the financial market experts surveyed anticipate that economic momentum will improve in the coming six months. In contrast, a clear majority of 61.8% of respondents (+29.4 percentage points) now foresee a deterioration of the economic situation. A share of 35.3% (-24.2 percentage points) of the analysts expect the economy to exhibit a stable trend at the present levels.
The diminishing economic expectations already seen in recent months have been tempered, up to now, by a very upbeat assessment of the current economic situation. In July, however, the prevailing evaluation has deteriorated as well. The relevant balance has declined by 17.4 points, and only around half (52.9%) of the survey participants still view the economic picture in a “good” light. A proportion of 47.1% (+17.4 percentage points) of the experts regard the economic environment as “normal,” while none of the respondents believes that the economy is in a “bad” state of health at the present time.
The inflation outlook diminished more noticeably in July than in the previous months. The share of analysts who predict that inflation rates will climb on a six-month horizon amounts to just 23.5% (compared with 40.5% in June). On the other hand, 23.5% of the participants (+10.0 percentage points) forecast that inflation will retreat in the next half-year. Slightly more than half of the respondents (53.0%) assume that the inflation rate will continue to hover at the current low levels.